Our Work

Transit Orientated Development, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The Team have been commissioned by the ADA to produce a comprehensive Transport-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy for the City of Riyadh. The aim of the study is to predict the influence of the new Metro system which is currently being implemented and will be completed within a 5 year period. The system will deliver 96 new stations across 6 lines with over 180km of track, half of which will be tunnelled. In addition, a comprehensive dedicated bus network will supplement public transport, the net effects bringing fundamental change to a city previously reliant on private car usage. The TOD study will predict all new forms of development in close proximity with the stations encompassing land use, density, ownership, movement and public realm. The study has included an in-depth research phase with particular focus on the best practice of 10 global cities and their relevance to Riyadh. It is clear that the study findings will become the driver for the revision of the Strategic Plan for the city.

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