Our Work

Cranleigh School Masterplan, Cranleigh, UK

The Team have provided comprehensive Planning and Design support to Cranleigh School, reviewing their full estate and developing a Masterplan to guide the development of the school, as it enters a new period of change and evolution.

The masterplan is a flexible document that is proposed to be phased, encompassing all known initiatives for which funds are confirmed including proposals for new staff accommodation, a new Pastoral centre and Preparatory School facilities. A further group of projects fall into the medium-term category which are desired but are less critical and finally, a ‘wish list’ of projects identified as long term. These are important to the masterplan as even though there is no immediate plan to implement them, they will influence shorter term thinking to ensure that short term decisions do not compromise future potential.

Our proposals have been developed in close collaboration with Staff and Governors, as well as the local Cranleigh Village community, and pays careful heed to context in terms of architecture and landscape given the village’s Conservation Area status and proximity to the Surrey Hills AONB.

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